What's up suckas? As a lot of you know, I'm usually posting funny jokes I find from various sources (comedians, websites, email, my own stupid head) on Facebook BUT to tell you the truth I really can't post all of them on there because of their content or the length of the joke (500 character limit) SOOOO this is going to be an experiment in general stupidity. (It's in it's early stages of course, as you can tell by the shitty lay out but please bear with me). I'll be randomly posting a Joke of the Day, some Stupid News Stories and whatever else I think will make some, if not all of you laugh. Also, feel free to message me some of your own jokes, videos, pictures and other nonsencical crap and I'll gladly put it up and credit you as well.
You can follow the blog through email (get updates as I update the blog), click on a "Label" below an update and you will automatically get all updates with that label. So if the lable is "Jokes" all of the jokes tagged will appear under one link. Videos, Stupid News, Pictures etc. are "Labeled" and linked on the left hand side of the page.
Anyway, here it goes and please let me know what you think...so go ahead and become a follower...oh yeah and click on some of those advertisements, I may even make a buck or two out of this bullshit HAHAHAHAHA...
And so it begins....